Six-Day War Zenshi

The point of view of Interpreting the Middle East to confusion ...

Six-Day War Zenshi The point of view of Interpreting the Middle East to confusion [World History] [Several years, decades, hundreds of years] the flow of Behold Whether the current Middle East is there in any situation Now, how to see the world. Polemic is, expand the Middle East energy theory that everyone did not write until now to represent Japan Recently, terrorism can be seen to be related to the ISIS is frequent in many parts of the world. At the end of the month, killing at Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul, Turkey, the suicide bomber is 0 or more people. Once in the month, in Bangladesh Dhaka, at least 0 people were killed, including the Japanese people. Even in Iraq's capital Baghdad and Saudi Arabia, terrorism has occurred. In this way, whether that Islamic extremists began a runaway to be expressed even in the cross-border [global jihad] is, there is a kind of background. In the world trend of deep occur what exactly, what there is of being caused the crustal movement. To find it, whether in the current Middle East is there in any situation, historically there is a need to consider.

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